Hi, I'm Ben McAdam, a Profits Coach, investor/advisor, entrepreneur, presenter, and seasonal podcast host.

I've helped over 1,000 business owners around the world achieve more growth, more profits and more clarity around their numbers, without judgement or confusing jargon.

My current focus is on expanding my portfolio of profitable acquisitions and growing each of them, but I also take on 1:1 clients.

Fast facts:

  • Acquired 3 businesses in 6 weeks, one of them with an innovative fundraise.
  • Client went from in the red to over $100k profit for the year, from one phone call with me.
  • Client able to pay themselves a decent salary for the first time in 7 years.
  • Client got to 7-figures annual revenue, began acquiring other businesses and installed a CEO, while building a bigger savings buffer.
  • Client got over 200% what they were expecting on a business sale.
  • Client increased revenue $211k per year.
  • Client results, case studies and testimonials here.
  • Did it myself: grew and sold two of my own businesses.
  • Experienced advisor: over a decade.
  • Before all this: accounting degree and background, but only there to learn about business and was too entrepreneurial to fit in.

Talking points:

  • 5 ways to quickly free up cash and profits.
  • Setting and raising prices, and being better off if customers flee.
  • More sales won't fix the problem: the 80/20 of turning your hard work into profits.
  • The 5 key numbers that matter in your business financials.
  • Turning a goal into a useful picture of your future business, using a few special ratios, to make planning simple
  • Where business owners waste money and at the same time don't invest enough.
  • When to hire, and whether you can afford to hire.
  • The big cost that doesn't show up on a profit & loss / income statement, and how to improve it.
  • Rules of thumb so you don't run out of money.


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