Profit Foundations

Escape uncertainty, smash your income goals, build a business you love

Does this sound like you?

  • You have a personal income goal, more than just covering your living expenses, but you're not getting there fast enough.
  • you're stuck firefighting and working in your business, not on growing it towards your goals.
  • You want confidence you'll have money in future to pay your team, tax bills, and more than cover your own living expenses.
  • You don't know how much to spend on marketing, delivering your product/service, or on other key expenses.
  • You feel uncertain about big decisions, not sure which option to choose.
  • You know, maybe deep down, that you "should" be looking at your numbers and financials, but you don't know how, you're afraid, or they're a mess.
  • You worry that your business will suffer because there are things you "should" know.
  • Or maybe all of the above!

Fix the Six Key Profit Drivers

... then achieving your goals becomes just a matter of time, a short time. And business becomes easier and more fun.


Focus + Plan, not uncertainty

You'll know where you're going, how you'll get there, and when, avoiding obstacles and distractions along the way.


Simple Monitoring System, not guilt

You'll know your key numbers, what they mean, and what to do about them. No more fear or avoidance.


Healthy Margins, not slaving away

You'll have steady growth, without having to work yourself to the bone. Time to get off the income rollercoaster.


Efficient + Effective Marketing, not guessing

You'll know exactly how your marketing is performing, and what to do about it to get the amount of leads you want.


A Sales System, not desperation

You'll have a reliable system for converting customers, without having to make it up as you go along.


Productive Teams, not firefighting

You'll learn how to run a team that keeps your customers happy, progresses projects, and frees up your time.

The 'Profit Foundations' course

Videos and worksheets for all modules walk you through step-by-step

One module per week, for 6 weeks, covering each of the 6 Key Profit Drivers

Bonus module and extra training, to multiply your results

Feedback from me and my team, to keep you on the right track

Book time directly with me, at special discount for participants


Complete the course, do the work, use the feedback system, and you'll get a great result.

If you give it a good go and don't get a great result, then let me know at the end of 9 weeks.

We'll jump on a 1-hour consult call and put together a simple action plan to boost your business by at least 10x the course price.

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What other business owners are saying

"As a business owner, I kinda felt like I didn't have a grip on the numbers. So when I was trying to make business decisions, I didn't have the information I needed... we kinda just winged it. Now I feel like I've got the business more under control, I'm not going to run into icebergs because I've missed something."

 - Matt Holmes

"I didn't have a good sense of where we were, it was a comfortable place but I didn't feel comfortable with not having a good handle on it. Can't grow to a multimillion dollar business without those skills. At some point, you really have to think about partnering with someone who can help you get to making a million dollars a year."

 - Joe Howard

"Ben is a very astute businessman, and he understands the financial side of things, so Ben is a very good person to help you understand the fundamentals of your business and to point you in ways that will help you improve your fundamentals."

 - Ryan Heneise

"Ben helps me to figure out what the essentials are, and I am very grateful for that because otherwise I would overcomplicate the whole thing. I value Ben's advice and guidance... there are equal parts intense experience and domain expertise, as well as a sense of camaraderie and a sense that he really knows what I should be doing next. Ben has been one of the greatest teacher's I've had."

 - Lorenzo Swank

"Ben's numbers mindset was so valuable, a completely different perspective than I had considered. He helped me project for the future, and I'm excited by that vision."

 - Eric Campbell


We're happy to answer any questions you have. Below are a few common questions, and their answers.

Get started now

Click the button below to complete the payment form, then you'll get a welcome video and access to the course within 15 minutes.

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